Key Statistics from the past 12 months
Training Courses Delivered
No of Attendees on Courses
Business Plans and Cash Flows
Successful Funding Applications
** Results achieved by CJM Project Financial Management Ltd for the period, January to December 2022.
CJM provide improved profitability and financial governance by delivering core financial competency to you, your clients, and your management team.
Working with a wide range of different organisations, from PLC’s to SME’s, and organisations from both the Third Sector and the national level, we have steadily built up a reputation for providing value to a number of local authority departments and supporting local economic growth aspirations.
We aim to provide you the tools to help drive business forward and build a solid foundation of financial knowledge from which your organisation can grow. Our team of experts possess a diverse range of skills and knowledge that allows CJM to offer the most professional and competent service possible.

Providing you the tools to see you thrive
Working alongside local authorities and governing bodies, CJM Financial Management has helped to stimulate growth and boost various local economies. We support Economic Development teams and provide them with the expertise to assist SME’s in their local economies.
SME’s are operating within an ultra-competitive landscape, CJM assists Economic Development teams with their strategies in order to support their growth and see them succeed.
We work with a range of clients from different sectors and disciplines, providing them with plans, solutions, forecasts, training, advice and funding that allows them to flourish. Through careful planning, expert advice and accurate financial forecasting, CJM Financial Management can help take a business to the next level.
By supporting Economic Development strategies, CJM provide the tools an SME requires, not only to allow them to grow, but also to put themselves in a position whereby they are able to handle and withstand future financial issues.